- -Electric motor 1600W, 12 V DC
- -Hydraulic pump 1,2 cc/rev
- -Max pressure: 150 bar.
- -Solenoid Valve 4 ways, 3 positions, open centre.
- -One-way flow regulator with knob, mounted on port B to regulate the lowering speed.
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- Electric motor 1600W, 12 V DC.
- Hydraulic pump 1,2 cc/rev.
- Max pressure: 150 bar.
- Solenoid Valve 4 ways, 3 positions, open centre, 12 V AC
- One-way flow regulator with knob mounted on port B to regulate the lowering speed.
- Pressure gauge 0-160 bar 63 mm with glycerin.
- 5L deposit.
- Mounting flange: 45mm.
- Horizontal mounting.
- Keypad with 3m cable.
Application 2 cylinders DE Ø32x20x1500mm.
Power pack with DC motor, at higher pressure lower flow, lower pressure higher flow.
At 100 Bar the mini-central gives a flow of 4.5 l/min, at this same pressure, the mini power station can work for 4.5 mm continuous, after which it has to rest for 30 min. A deposit of 5Lt has been considered. whose actual ability to oil is 6.3 Lt. (2.41 liters fit inside the cylinders).
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